
I am an unabashed loather of the so-called beautiful game and only watch matches (even internationals) on sufferance. The results of the World Cup have always been to me a matter of indifference. I have, however, been goaded into taking an interest by the nasty and small-minded attitude of some people towards our English football fans and towards England's team. And by football fans, I don't mean the yobs, but the millions of law-abiding members of the population who are really excited by the World Cup and are backing England for all their worth.
Tell me. What is wrong with people showing their support by festooning shops and cars with the St. George's flag? Why does this cheerful display of English nationalism offend so many? And why do so many people choose to support anyone but England, (including most Scots, despite Gordon Brown's feeble charade)? And, even more inexplicably, why do so many people who choose to live in England still persist with their benighted down-with-England attitude? It's pathetic.
So, much as it pains me, I will be watching England's next match, frantically waving my St. George's flag.
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